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Advocacy for Palestinians: Social Media Accounts

February 19th, 2024 • 2 min read
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In the digital age, social media plays a crucial role in amplifying voices and shedding light on important issues worldwide. Despite facing censorship and suppression, numerous social media accounts persist in advocating for the rights and liberation of Palestinians. Here, we’ve compiled a curated list of such accounts across various platforms X/Twitter and Instagram that offer valuable insights, news updates, and personal narratives related to the Palestinian cause.


@EyeonPalestine: Eye on Palestine
@jvplive: Jewish Voice for Peace
@Timesofgaza: Times of Gaza
@BDSmovement: BDS Movement
@StopZionistHate: SZH / Stop Zionist Hate
@m7mdkurd: Mohammed El-Kurd
@IfNotNowOrg: IfNotNow
@TorahJudaism: Torah Judaism
@AbbyMartin: Abby Martin
@mikopeled: Miko Peled
@normfinkelstein: Dr. Norman Finkelstein
@ASE: Ahmed Eldin
@dancohen3000: Dan Cohen
@propandco: Propaganda and co
@CensoredMen: Censored Men
@DrLoupis: Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis
@Lowkey0nline: Lowkey
@ShaykhSulaiman: Sulaiman Ahmed
@stairwayto3dom: The Saviour
@Rahmazeinegypt: Rahma Zein
@_iamblakeley: Blakeley Bartley
@azaizamotaz9: Motaz Azaiza
@MyriamFrancoisC: Dr. Myriam Francois
@omarsuleiman504: Dr. Omar Suleiman


@eye.on.palestine: Eye on Palestine
@landpalestine: Land Palestine
@hiddenpalestine: Hidden Palestine
@cravingpalestine: Craving Palestine
@palestinianyouthmovement: Palestinian Youth Movement
@jewishvoiceforpeace: Jewish Voice for Peace
@bdsnationalcommittee: BDS Movement
@stopzionisthate: SZH / Stop Zionist Hate
@mohammedelkurd: Mohammed El-Kurd
@ifnotnoworg: IfNotNow
@fababs: Abby Martin
@mikopeled: Miko Peled
@normanfinkelsteinofficial: Dr. Norman Finkelstein
@ahmedeldin: Ahmed Eldin
@propagandaandco: Propaganda and co
@lowkeyonline: Lowkey
@zein_rahma: Rahma Zein
@wissamgaza: Wissam Nassar
@khaledbeydoun: Khaled Beydoun
@_iamblakeley: Blakeley Bartley
@motaz_azaiza: Motaz Azaiza
@leila.shw: Leila Warah
@myzfrancois: Dr. Myriam Francois
@imamomarsuleiman: Dr. Omar Suleiman

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